One of our great challenges in Western societies is digestive destruction. Much of the food offered in stores and restaurants is inflammatory and lacking nutritional [...]
One of our great challenges in Western societies is digestive destruction. Much of the food offered in stores and restaurants is inflammatory and lacking nutritional [...]
There is research around the world on the benefits of dance for those with Parkinson’s. This research is formalised and demands specific types of dance; [...]
I am a firm believer in healthy scepticism about anything and everything. That is, it can be healthy and informative to question commonly held beliefs, [...]
A patient told me this week that “I’m sticking to your diet. I don’t understand why I’m not getting better”. “So,” I said, “you eat [...]
“How soon will you realise that the only thing you don’t have is the direct experience that there’s nothing you need that you don’t have?” [...]
When diagnosed with a chronic disorder for which there is no “cure”, it is natural to search for treatments and therapies that will help us [...]
I am often accused of telling patients with Parkinson’s to stop taking medication. This is completely untrue. I do, however, point out to patients that [...]
I saw a new patient this week who described themselves as a “gradualist” who practices “gradualism”. They explained that this means that they prefer to [...]
A few years ago, my wife and I bought an old timber (weatherboard) house in a beautiful location. We knew the house had been neglected, [...]
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain”; Vivian Greene. When we develop a chronic disorder, [...]