Home 2021-06-10T16:24:24+10:00

At last, here is the proof that you can improve your life; those frustrating symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease like stiffness, pain, poor balance, difficult speech, deteriorating writing and a reluctance to be with others don’t have to be your reality… no matter what you have read or heard or been told!

So I embarked on a journey of discovery, consulted doctors and complementary health practitioners, read hundreds of scientific studies and abstracts in the hope that I could manage the symptoms of this awful disease. But none of them could give me the answers I needed, and I realized that I would have to find my own solution.

Who Is John Coleman?

“I was a 52 year old Naturopathy Student, diagnosed with advanced Parkinson’s Disease and early to Multi System Atrophy, but am FREE now from ALL symptoms, — no drugs, no expensive medicines!”

Since you’re here, you’ve probably heard my story about how I managed my stage IV Parkinson’s Disease and early stage multi-system atrophy, and am now completely symptom free! Five months after I collapsed in August 1995, I got the devastating prognosis. Doctors predicted that, as my condition progressed, I would eventually end up as helpless as a baby needing full-time care.

Remember, I had stage IV Parkinson’s disease on the Hoehn and Yahr scale (127/199 on the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale – UPDRS); my next step was full time care! But there was no way I was going to accept that.


Your website so far has been an inspiration. Thank you My GP on my last visit made me feel so despondent. Then I found you. – Shirley

“Thank you so much for sending lesson 3 to me. I did this simple way and even after one day I feel so much better.It is now night , but I wanted to thank you so much, that I am writing to you.

Thank you again, I can not wait until lesson 4 arrives and I can put myself on a powerful way with your help on this unique journey back to health. Thank you. Warmest greetings – Reimer

Just wanted to say, I really enjoyed the information this week. Just what I needed to hear … and your very concrete examples from your own experience (and your experiences with clients) are salutary. Thanks for making all this available! – Robert

Are you ready to be Well? ?


Are you prepared to change your belief systems, your eating habits, your whole life and welcome excellent health back into your life?

You can receive a FREE 4 week e-Course to get you started. The classes will give you a first look at the type of information you will receive in my 52 week Parkinson’s Recovery Program. No charge, no obligation.

have taken this free 4-week course


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  • 1, Understand how Parkinson’s disease develops and why your body has chosen this expression of sickness. [We explore research by neurologists, epidemiologists and other scientists showing how and why Parkinson’s develops].

  • 2. Start loving yourself; recognize your beauty, wisdom and skills, and talk to yourself about them.[We explain how this affects your immune system and why this is the most vital key to wellness].

  • 3. Look for laughter. Find ways to laugh or pretend to laugh. [This is the “second best” medicine” – we show you why].

  • 4. Revise your diet; eat only best-quality, health-giving foods. [We tell you what foods will support your health and what foods can cause harm].

  • 5. Meditate daily. [We show you how and discuss scientific research into the benefits of meditation. Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for recovery].

  • 6. Start a weekly Journal. [Keeping notes on your activities and responses will support your progress].

  • 7. Take the Aqua Hydration Formulas to enhance hydration and repair of brain cells. This will enhance the changes you make in your thoughts, food intake and lifestyle choices. [We explain hypothalamic function and how these remedies are of benefit. Remember, remedies can only help if you are dedicated to your self-help activities].

  • 8.Learn to communicate better with your doctor and other health practitioners, and/or find a new practitioner. Understand medication: how to use it; how to minimize your need for it. [We discuss creating a healthcare team, the benefits and disadvantages of Western medicine, and alternative approaches].

  • 9. Begin Bowen Therapy with a qualified practitioner/therapist. [Some small research projects plus extensive clinical experience has shown the benefits of this therapy when delivered appropriately. Bowen can only support your self-help activities].

  • 10. Exercise at home daily; find exercise classes or teachers to help you. [Conservative Western research has proven the benefits of regular exercise for those with Parkinson’s. We discuss options].

  • 11. Remove all toxic substances from your environment. [People with Parkinson’s are more than 100 times more sensitive to the impact of environmental chemicals than robust people. We discuss what to avoid and some strategies].

  • 12. Renew, repair or revive your relationships – friends, family and lovers. [Relationships at all levels can support or hinder healing. We look at ways to brighten your life with people].

“ Just wanted to say, I really enjoyed the information this week. Just what I needed to hear … and your very concrete examples from your own experience (and your experiences with clients) are salutary.”

Daimon Sweeney,

“In the time I have been receiving your emails, I have seen a dramatic improvement in my attitude and my overall physical health. I consider myself very fortunate to have found a resource that gives me regular supports and reinforces my beleif that I can Heal. ”

S. Andrew