“If you want a simple way to unlock the unfathomable deep dark mysteries of Parkinson’s Disease then this could be the end of your tiresome search.”
By August 1995,John Coleman had lost his power of speech and was wondering how he could go on living. Suffering symptoms of stage IV Parkinson‘s disease and early stage Multi-system Atrophy, diagnosed by five medical and complementary practitioners, he was unable to walk more than 5 metres without assistance and took up to an hour and a half to dress himself. Severely dissatisfied with the treatment and prognosis he received from western medical practitioners, John decided to pursue other pathways to health. With the aid of Homeopathy, Aqua Hydration Formulas, Bowen Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Flower Essences, Counselling, Meditation and Spiritual Development, John was completely symptom-free by April 1998 and remains symtpom free today.

But there was no way I was going to accept that. So I embarked on a journey of discovery, consulted doctors and complementary health practitioners, read hundreds of scientific studies and abstracts in the hope that they could unlock the secrets to beating this awful disease.
But none of them could give me the answers I needed, and I realized that I would have to find my own solution.
My Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease
I am writing to you today to tell you about how I recovered from Parkinson’s Disease.
Today I am completely symptom free and enjoys great health. After winning his own battle against Parkinson’s Disease, I have gone on to help hundreds of other sufferers of this cruel disease improve their health, reverse their symptoms and reduce medication usage, using the natural regimen I devised. In fact, many have completely recovered their health.
Why did I recover when so many had tried and failed before him? Was it the Aquas that took a little while before their full benefit became apparent? Was it the accumulation of many therapies that just happened to coincide at that time? I am certain that the whole of his journey is important and it is almost impossible to separate the effect of each therapy/experience from the whole.
My 12-step Parkinson’s Recovery Program is a compilation of all the knowledge and understanding I gained during my own journey to health, presented in a simple and practical way to help you reverse your own symptoms and move towards living without symptoms.