At last, here is the proof that you can improve your life; those frustrating symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease like stiffness, pain, poor balance, difficult speech, deteriorating writing and a reluctance to be with others don’t have to be your reality… no matter what you have read or heard or been told!
So I embarked on a journey of discovery, consulted doctors and complementary health practitioners, read hundreds of scientific studies and abstracts in the hope that they could unlock the secrets to beating this awful disease. But none of them could give me the answers I needed, and I realized that I would have to find my own solution.
Who Is John Coleman?
“I was a 52 year old Naturopathy Student, diagnosed with advanced Parkinson’s Disease and early to Multi System Atrophy, but am FREE now from ALL symptoms, — no drugs, no expensive medicines!”

Since you’re here, you’ve probably heard my story about how I recovered from stage IV Parkinson’s Disease and early stage multi-system atrophy, and am now completely symptom free! Five months after I collapsed in August 1995, I got the devastating prognosis. Doctors predicted that, as my condition progressed, I would eventually end up as helpless as a baby needing full-time care.
Remember, I had stage IV Parkinson’s disease on the Hoehn and Yahr scale (127/199 on the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale – UPDRS); my next step was full time care! But there was no way I was going to accept that.
Your website so far has been an inspiration. Thank you My GP on my last visit made me feel so despondent. Then I found you. – Shirley
“Thank you so much for sending lesson 3 to me. I did this simple way and even after one day I feel so much better.It is now night , but I wanted to thank you so much, that I am writing to you.
Thank you again, I can not wait until lesson 4 arrives and I can put myself on a powerful way with your help on this unique journey back to health. Thank you. Warmest greetings – Reimer“
Just wanted to say, I really enjoyed the information this week. Just what I needed to hear … and your very concrete examples from your own experience (and your experiences with clients) are salutary. Thanks for making all this available! – Robert
Are you ready to be Well? ?
Are you prepared to change your belief systems, your eating habits, your whole life and welcome excellent health back into your life?
You can receive a FREE 4 week e-Course to get you started. The classes will give you a first look at the type of information you will receive in my 52 week Parkinson’s Recovery Program. No charge, no obligation.

have taken this free 4-week course

“ Just wanted to say, I really enjoyed the information this week. Just what I needed to hear … and your very concrete examples from your own experience (and your experiences with clients) are salutary.”
“In the time I have been receiving your emails, I have seen a dramatic improvement in my attitude and my overall physical health. I consider myself very fortunate to have found a resource that gives me regular supports and reinforces my beleif that I can Heal. ”